a dead duck

a dead duck
1) конченый человек; ≈ его песенка спета (обыкн. о политическом деятеле) [первонач. амер.]

The live stool-pigeon is a dead duck the minute he is brought into the daylight. (G. Marion, ‘The Communist Trial’, ch. 4) — Для доносчика и провокатора дневной свет смертельно опасен.

Now, however, he decided that O'dwyer was a dead duck politically and that he never would be able to win another election. (APT) — Теперь, однако, он решил, что О'Дуайер конченый человек в политике и что он никогда не сможет одержать победу еще на одних выборах.

2) безнадёжное дело; полный провал

...that day is a dead duck. (R. P. Warren, ‘Flood’, ch. 19) — ...день, в который не написано ни строчки, для него пропащий.

...anything that means spending money around here is a dead duck before it starts. (A. Hailey, ‘The Final Diagnosis’, ch. IX) — ...в нашей больнице любой проект, связанный с затратой денег, заранее обречен на провал.

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. - М.: «Русский язык-Медиа».. 2006.

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Смотреть что такое "a dead duck" в других словарях:

  • dead duck — n a dead duck informal a plan, idea etc that is not worth considering because it is very likely to fail ▪ He admitted that the whole project was a dead duck …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • dead duck — dead ducks N COUNT (emphasis) If you describe someone or something as a dead duck, you are emphasizing that you think they have absolutely no chance of succeeding. [INFORMAL] The government is a dead duck. Syn: no hoper …   English dictionary

  • dead duck — noun count INFORMAL 1. ) HUMOROUS someone who will be punished severely: If she ever finds out about this, I m a dead duck! 2. ) something that will certainly fail …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • dead duck — Someone or something is bound to fail or die is a dead duck …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • dead duck — ► NOUN informal ▪ an unsuccessful or useless person or thing. ORIGIN from the old saying ‘never waste powder on a dead duck’ …   English terms dictionary

  • dead duck — ☆ dead duck or dead pigeon n. Slang a person or thing that is ruined or certain to suffer ruin, failure, or death; goner …   English World dictionary

  • dead duck — dead′ duck′ n. cvb a person or thing that is doomed • Etymology: 1820–30, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • dead duck — noun something doomed to failure he finally admitted that the legislation was a dead duck the idea of another TV channel is now a dead duck as theories go, that s a dead duck • Hypernyms: ↑failure * * * noun 1. : a person or thing that has so… …   Useful english dictionary

  • dead duck — {n.}, {slang} A person or thing in a hopeless situation or condition; one to whom something bad is sure to happen. * /When the pianist broke her arm, she was a dead duck./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • dead duck — {n.}, {slang} A person or thing in a hopeless situation or condition; one to whom something bad is sure to happen. * /When the pianist broke her arm, she was a dead duck./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • dead duck — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms dead duck : singular dead duck plural dead ducks informal something that will certainly fail …   English dictionary

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